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This library contains citations for our publications in the field of downstream processing. Copyright restrictions preclude us from providing electronic copies for some entries, but you are welcome to download any linked files for your individual personal used. Entries are posted in reverse chronological order in each section. There is a lot of new material and we’ll be updating content regularly so feel free to visit as often as you like. New entries are prepared in Acrobat 7. If you need to update your copy of Acrobat Reader, you can download a free copy from http://www.adobe.com/.
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Oral Presentations
Gagnon, P., Dissociation of naturally occuring antibody-contaminant complexes with hydroxyapatite, Oral presentation, Bioprocess International Conference, Providence, September 20-24, 2010
Gagnon, P., Hensel, F., Lee, S., Zaidi, S., 2010, IgM Purification: The Fine Print, Oral presentation, 4th International Monolith Symposium, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 29 - June 2, 2010
Gagnon, P., Adsorptive Chromatography: The Influence of Stationary Phase Architecture, Oral presentation, 4th International Monolith Symposium, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 29 - June 2, 2010
Gagnon, P., 2010, Production of Biobetter IgG with Enhanced Washing and Elution of Protein A, BIT Life Sciences 2nd Annual International Congress of Antibodies, Beijing, March 24-26
Gagnon, P., 2009, Vaccine Purification with Monoliths, Vaccine Research and Development: Moving from Technology to Manufacturing and Production, London, December 7-8
Gagnon, P., Cheung, C-W., Yazaki, 2009, A Case Study of Early Phase Purification Process Development for an Anti-Cancer Minibody, 5th International Symposium on Hydroxyapatite, Rottach-Egern, Germany, October 11-14
Hensel, F., Gagnon, P., 2009, An effective platform for purification of IgM monoclonal antibodies, 5th International Symposium on Hydroxyapatite, Rottach-Egern, Germany, October 11-14.
Gagnon, P., 2009, Dissection of the Separation Mechanisms and Enhancement of IgG Aggregate Removal by Charged-Hydrophobic Mixed Mode Chromatography, 6th HIC/RPC Bioseparation Conference, Napa, CA, March 15-19
Gagnon, P., Cheung, C-W., Yazaki, P., Brinkman, A., Aolin, F. (2008) New Insights into IgG Binding and Aggregate Removal with Hydroxyapatite, 8th International Ube Bioseparation Symposium, Nov. 15-19.
Gagnon, P., Cheung, C.-W., Yazaki, P. (2008) Multiple Modes of Fab Purification with Hydroxyapatite, BioProcess International Asia Pacific, Mumbai, October 20-22
Gagnon, P. (2008) (2008) Eliminating the Downstream Processing Bottleneck with Monoliths and Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography, BioProcess International Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, Sept. 23-26
The Promise of Monolith-based Industrial Purification of Biomolecules, Pete Gagnon, 3rd International Monolith Symposium, May 30- June 4, 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia
Bringing Downstream Productivity into Phase with Upstream Antibody Production, Pete Gagnon 3rd International Monolith Symposium, May 30- June 4, 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia
Phosphate-free Buffer Systems: A New Frontier for Apatite Chromatography, Pete Gagnon, 4th International Conference on Hydroxypatite, Sonoma, CA May 5-7, 2008
Multiple Modes of Aggregate Removal by Hydroxyapatite, Pete Gagnon, 4th International Conference on Hydroxypatite, Sonoma, CA May 5-7, 2008
IgM Purification: The Next Generation, Pete Gagnon, Frank Hensel, Paul Andrews, Richard Richieri, Oral Presentation, 13th Waterside Monoclonal Conference, February 4-6, 2008, Miami.
Recent advances in the purification of IgM monoclonal antibodies, Pete Gagnon, Frank Hensel, Paul Andrews, Richard Richieri, Third Wilbio Conference on Purification of Biological Products, September 24-26, Waltham, MA USA.
Nonionic Polymer Enhancement of Aggregate Removal by Ion Exchange and Hydroxyapatite Chromatography, Pete Gagnon, Richard Rishieri, Simin Zaidi, 12th Annual Waterside Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Apr 23-25, 2007. Note: Many of you have asked if PEG has regulatory approval. In a word, yes. This file lists a number of injectable formulations including PEG.
The Protein A Paradigm: Can it be improved? Can it be replaced? Pete Gagnon, 18th International IBC Conference on Antibody Development and Production, La Costa Spa and Resort, Carlsbad, CA, 3/2/07
Productivity improvements in the capture and initial purification of monoclonal antibodies Pete Gagnon and Richard Richieri, 2nd Conference on Purification of Biological Products, Thousand Oaks, 9/19/06
Practical Issues in the Industrial use of Hydroxyapatite for Purification of Monoclonal Antibodies 232nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, 9/10/06
P. Gagnon, P. Ng, J. He, J. Zhen, C. Aberrin, H. Mekosh, 2006, The practical task of purifying antibodies with ceramic hydroxyapatite, 11th Annual Waterside Conference, May 1-3, Chicago. Posted courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
P. Gagnon, P. Ng, J. He, J. Zhen, C. Aberrin, H. Mekosh, 2006, A tale of two platforms, 2-step purification of monoclonal IgG with protein A and ceramic hydroxyapatite, IBC conference on production and purification of monoclonal antibodies, March 1-3, Carlsbad, CA. Posted courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
P. Gagnon, P. Ng, C. Aberrin, J. Zhen, J. He, H. Mekosh, L. Cummings, 2005, Simultaneous removal of aggregate, leached protein A, endotoxin, and DNA from protein A purified monoclonal IgG with ceramic hydroxyapatite and ceramic fluorapatite, First Annual Conference on Purification of Biologics, Dec. 5-7, Santa Monica, CA. Posted courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
P. Gagnon, P. Ng, C. Aberrin, J. Zhen, J. He, H. Mekosh, L. Cummings, 2005, Retention behavior of endotoxin, DNA, and protein A on ceramic hydroxyapatite and ceramic fluorapatite, IBC World Conference, Sept. 14-16, Boston. Posted courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
P. Gagnon, 2005, The quest for a generic monoclonal IgG purification process, The Waterside Monoclonal Conference, Bal Harbor, May 2-4, and Wilbio Europe, Amsterdam, May 20-22. Posted courtesy of Bio-Rad Laboratories.
P. Gagnon, 2000, Improving process success rate, time-to-market, and profitability with purification process enhancements, 5th Waterside Conference on Monoclonal Antibodies, Miami
P. Gagnon, 1999, Expanded processing options for hydrophobic interaction chromatography by use of no-salt binding buffers, First International Conference on Hydrophobic Interaction and Reverse Phase Chromatography, Phoenix
P. Gagnon, 1997, Antibody purification with hydroxyaptatite chromatography: the basics and beyond, 2nd Waterside Monoclonal Conference, Norfolk
P. Gagnon, 1997, Hang ‘em high: the true story of two ruthless desperados from the Old West and how they was brung to justice (subtitle: strategies for endotoxin and DNA removal), 2nd Waterside Monoclonal Conference, Norfolk
P. Gagnon, 1996, Antibody purification with protein A: the good, the bad, and the ugly, 1rst Waterside conference on Monoclonal Antibodies, Norfolk
P. Gagnon, 1996, Special weapons and tactics for removal of product-bound DNA, BioEast ‘96, Washington D.C.
P. Gagnon, B. Godfrey, and D. Ladd, 1995, A method for obtaining unique selectivities in ion exchange chromatography by addition of organic polymers to the mobile phase, 15th International Symposium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides, Boston
P. Gagnon, 1995, Integrating chromatography into conjugate process development. IBC Conference on Monoclonal Antibody Purification, San Francisco
P. Gagnon, 1994, Preparative applications of immunoaffinity chromatography, Prep-Tech ‘94, Seacaucus
P. Gagnon, 1991, Designing a purification strategy, Keynote address, BioEast ‘91, Washington D.C.
P. Gagnon, P. Cartier, and R. Eksteen, 1990, Monoclonal antibody purification with high performance ion exchange and hydrophobic interaction chromatography, 17th International Symposium on HPLC and Affinity Chromatography (HPLC ‘90), Boston
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