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Gagnon, P., 2010, Monoliths open the door to key growth sectors, Bioprocess International, 8(10) 20-23
Gagnon, P., Hensel, F., Lee, S., Zaidi, S., 2010, IgM Purification: The Fine Print, Oral presentation, 4th International Monolith Symposium, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 29 - June 2, 2010
Gagnon, P., Adsorptive Chromatography: The Influence of Stationary Phase Architecture, Oral presentation, 4th International Monolith Symposium, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 29 - June 2, 2010
Gagnon, P., Rodriquez, G., Zaidi, S., Preliminary Results Towards Development of a Simple Rapid Method for Dissociation and Fractionation of Heavy and Light Chain from Monoclonal IgG, Poster, 4th International Monolith Symposium, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 29 - June 2, 2010
Gagnon, P., Vaccine Purification with Monoliths, Oral presentation, Vaccine Research and Development: Moving from Technology to Manufacturing and Production, London, December 7-8, 2009
Gagnon, P. Purification Prcess Development with Monoliths, II: Column Loading, Monthly Monolith News, 2, 2009
Gagnon, P., 2009, Purification Process Development With Monoliths: Initial Screening, Monthly Monolith News, 1 (2009)
Gagnon, P. 2008, The Emerging Generation of Chromatography Tools for Virus Purification, BioProcess International, 6, Suppl. 6 24-30
Gagnon, P. (2008) Eliminating the Downstream Processing Bottleneck with Monoliths and Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography, BioProcess International Conference and Exhibition, Anaheim, CA, Sept. 23-26
The Promise of Monolith-based Industrial Purification of Biomolecules, Pete Gagnon, 3rd International Monolith Symposium, May 30- June 4, 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia
Bringing Downstream Productivity into Phase with Upstream Antibody Production, Pete Gagnon 3rd International Monolith Symposium, May 30- June 4, 2008, Portoroz, Slovenia
Purification of IgM Monoclonal Antibodies, 2008, P. Gagnon, F. Hensel, R. Richieri, BioPharm Inernational, March suppl., 26-35
IgM Purification: The Next Generation, Pete Gagnon, Frank Hensel, Paul Andrews, Richard Richieri, Oral Presentation, 13th Waterside Monoclonal Conference, February 4-6, 2008, Miami.
A comparison of microparticulate, membrane, and monolithic anion exchangers for polishing applications in the purification of IgG monoclonal antibodies, Pete Gagnon, Richard Richieri, Simin Zaidi, Franics Aolin, IBC International Conference and Exposition, October 1-4, Boston, MA, USA
Recent advances in the purification of IgM monoclonal antibodies, Pete Gagnon, Frank Hensel, Paul Andrews, Richard Richieri, Third Wilbio Conference on Purification of Biological Products, September 24-26, Waltham, MA USA.
A high speed monolithic assay for IgM quantitation in cell culture produiction and purification process monitoring, Pete Gagnon, Richard Richieri, Simin Zaidi, Roy Sevilla, Alexander Brinkman, Third Wilbio Conference on Purification of Biological Products, September 24-26, Waltham, MA USA.
Monoliths seen to revitalize bioseparations, Pete Gagnon, Genetic Engineering News, 26(17) October 1, 2006. This reprint was kindly provided by Genetic Engineering News. You can access this and other articles on their website at <http://www.genengnews.com/>
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